As of last Wednesday, I am a student at Concordia University Irvine, which is insane. I never actually thought that I would have to change colleges, but I did. I've been here five days and it is definitely a different school than APU. I'm not sure if that's good or not yet, but I don't plan on changing schools again.

I have a pretty awesome roommate. Her name is Katie. It is definitely a huge relief that I like my roommate so much, especially because my roommates last year were one of the hardest parts of being at that school and a big reason for why I left. Katie and I get along fabulously, and that's so wonderful because we share a bedroom. We aren't ever in each others way and we can always find something to talk about. She is so great and I am so lucky!

I am a Music Education and History and Political Thought double major, which is an insane course load, and I'm already freaking out, but I'm also extremely excited for this. So far, I love every person that I've met in music. I keep forgetting how strange music kids are, but then I am reminded. I also have to take a trillion music classes just this semester. I'm in Music Theory, Aural Skills, and Conducting, as well as Private Sax Lessons, Private Piano Lessons, Concordia Wind Orchestra, and Jazz Combo. Then I have like three academic classes. But I suppose that's the life of a music major! I'm not really complaining. I'm doing what I've always wanted to be doing, and I'm really excited to be doing it (:

I've yet to encounter any true hardships just yet, but it is only the first day. I really just need to get through this first week. I'm so stressed out already, and a lot of it has to do with just the anxiety of not having all my books yet, and having such a heavy course load and not knowing what to expect. It will get easier I know it (:

I'm excited to see how this year goes and what it has in store for me. Hopefully, I will grow and learn from this. I really just want to break out of this shell that I've created for myself over the past few years. The constant fear of being disliked or doing something wrong is heavy and I don't want to carry it anymore. Whatever happens, I hope this year is a good one.

FOLLOW ME ON THIS ADVENTURE. Watch my youtube video series this year (:

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