Calm Down

I'm a pretty laid back person. I know when it is appropriate to mess around and when I need to be serious. I also know better than to take things people say to heart. There will always be people who are trying to put you down, or who say things you don't agree with. CALM DOWN ABOUT IT. First of all, the world does not revolve around you or your beliefs. Secondly, not everyone in life is going to agree with you. Don't take it personally.

That was kind of serious, but people need to understand how much easier life would be if they would just stop getting butt hurt from what other people say to them. Not even a big deal. Like at all.

The absolute worst though, I think, is when people get upset over jokes. No, I don't mean jokes like "you're so stupid," or "you're awful at that," or something meant to hurt someone else. No, that is cruel, and if you aren't in a position where the other person knows you're joking, or even if you are, those things are hurtful. I DO NOT MEAN THAT. What I mean is when you joke about something small. When you dislike something that someone else likes, so you comment on it, in a joking manner. I mean things that don't have to do with you personally. Like IF IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU, WHY DOES IT MATTER WHAT I THINK? I don't know.

This just stems from a recent experience. I'm just so tired of everyone being so serious about everything. Calm down. You life doesn't need to be that hard.

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