When It Comes To Boys...


Seeing as how my blog is mostly read by adults, including my parents, this might be a little awkward, but I think that it is really important.

When it comes to boys, wait.

I've been there, done that a million and a half times. It's really important to know that there's more to life. Starting around age 11 or 12, you begin to really really notice guys, and they begin to really really notice you. But here's the thing: you're 11/12 years old. Think about it. Doesn't that sound a tad bit ridiculous to be in a relationship? It doesn't seem like it, but it is, and it sounds ridiculous for a reason.

  1. GIRLS, YOU ARE WAAAAAAY MORE MATURE THAN ANY BOY YOUR AGE! If you're mentally 12 years old, that cute boy you sit next to in homeroom is mentally 10 years old. That's a 4th grader. Would you want to date a 4th grader? I didn't think so. He won't understand why you do what you do, and you won't be able to understand why he doesn't understand. It really doesn't change as you get older. Being 16, dating someone who's mentally still in middle school. Heck, being 18 and dating someone who's mentally still in high school. It's a sticky situation. NOT ALL BOYS, but a lot will be this way and it will make for unhealthy relationships.
  2. When I was 12, heck when I was 18, I didn't know myself very well. I didn't now what I needed in order to be happy. When you're young, "If only I had a boyfriend, everything would be better" seems completely logical, but once again, think about it. You are putting ALL of your happiness in the hands of some guy. That's too much for him to handle, and he will never live up to your expectations. You will end up getting mad at him for not being who you so desperately need him to be. You need to know how to be happy single before you can be happy in a relationship.
  3. Plain and Simply, boyfriends are the first step to husbands. Do you need a husband in high school? Absolutely not. You're probably thinking, "But Morgan, I'm dating for the experience. What if I meet my future husband and I'm a total fool because I don't know what to do?" Trust me, you'll be okay.
    *****Little side note: I'm NOT saying don't date ever. I'm NOT saying don't date in high school. There are ALWAYS exceptions. We'll get to that in a second. *****
  4. "Because he likes me" is not a reason to like someone, or date someone. Have some standards. You need to know what you are looking for in a person before you date them. Just because they have interest in you, does not mean you can put everything aside and go out with them. I don't think it's possible to really know what you look for in a healthy relationship until you're older and you can think rationally about it. 
  5. "I know! I'll just date OLDER guys, and it will solve all of the problems above!" NOPE. Homies, listen to me right now. I am very very much into older guys. Very much. However, I've also dated older guys. Three, four years may not seem like a lot, but when you're 14, 15, 16 years old, he is 18, 19, 20 years old. He's an adult now. First of all, legally that will get you into trouble. Then, boys that age really do have that one thing on their mind. Also, and I do hope not to offend anybody because there are always exceptions, always, but if he is an adult, why is he dating someone in high school? Think about it for a second. I think a good rule of thumb would be before you are 18, don't date anyone who isn't in the same schooling as you, as in if you're in middle school, date middle schoolers. If you're in high school, date high schoolers. Once you're 18, you're an adult and you CAN do what you want. Just be smart and think about it first. 
  6. LISTEN. TO. YOUR. MOMMA. I promise you, 100%, if she doesn't approve of him, he's not good for you. Don't think it's because she's treating you like a baby. She can see the relationship from the outside. She can see the boy from an adult point of view. She knows better than you do, believe it or not. 99/100 times, that boy that your mom doesn't approve of will not be the one. He'll do something stupid or break your heart. Always listen to your momma. Mother knows best.
It's really important that you just know what you need in your life, how you should be treated, and what to expect in the future before you put too much of your life into someone else's hands. Girls, you don't need a boyfriend. You are strong, beautiful, and independent. 

When it came to me, I felt like I always needed one. In fact, it wasn't even a boyfriend I was looking for most of the time, but just the attention of another guy. When you have this mentality, it gets you in to soooo much trouble as you get older and you're around guys who are older. I've made so many mistakes and have these regrets that I hope other girls can avoid. I'm around young girls often and I see how they act and it just causes me to remember how I was when I was that age and I want to tell them that it's going to be totally okay.

Just because I've made mistakes does not mean that you will.
Just because a boy is young, or too old, or immature etc, does not mean that it won't be a healthy relationship.

THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS. There are 3.5 billion males in the world. That is 3,500,000,000 boys. That is over two million times the amount of boys who are in your high school. Obviously NOT ALL BOYS are this way. And obviously, people marry their high school sweethearts. Don't veto every guy you meet because they could be a good guy.

The thing is that you really just need to know how to be happy single. You need to not put up with someone who doesn't treat you the way you need to be treated. It just takes time to figure out what that might be.

Not all boys, but many. Just wait a second

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