Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood...

I hate poetry. Why? Because I don't understand it!! While I know that is an awful reason to dislike anything, I really just can't stand poetry. This week in my American Literature class, we are studying 20th century poets, T.S. Elliot, Ezra Pound, Langston Hughes, the whole bit. I almost fell asleep in class, which is something I never do in this class because it is usually so interesting!

There was a poem today by Ezra Pound and it read: 

" The apparition of these faces in the crowd,
Petals on a wet, black bough" 

THEN WE PROCEEDED TO TALK ABOUT THIS FOR 30MINS! This poem is two lines long. Two. What. I don't get it! It isn't telling me a story; it's just describing what the author sees, or something. I've never understood poetry. There were people in class who would find symbols and metaphors in these poems and I'm just like, "Are we even reading the same poem?! Where did you come up with that???" I swear the other people in class googled all those answers before class or something. 

I have always felt like people who could write and understand poetry had this sort of intelligence that I was missing out on. It is awfully frustrating. Why can't poems just be straight forward? This is why I read novels. Novels are just stories. They say what they mean, without tiptoeing around in every possible way. Well, at least the books I read are like that. I really do wish I enjoyed poetry more. We're reading poetry by black authors on Thuraday. Maybe I might be able to find something I like. 

Anyway, here's my outfit of the day! Really simple. It was a tad chilly today. 

Cardigan - Abercrombie&Fitch 
White shirt - F21
Black Skirt - H&M
Scarf - I made it (: 
Black flats (unseen) - H&M

Bonne nuit, mes chéries ^___^ ♥♥

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