
I've always tried blogging, but I could never really stick with it. That probably had something to do with the fact that I felt like no one cared about what I have to say. That's probably very, very true, however I'm over it! I am pretty awesome and so is my brain. So, keep reading or leave; I don't really care either way. But, I do hope you stay (: 

I've always known that I see things through an extremely different lens than the rest of the world. I don't know what it is or why this is, but it is so hard to find people like me, who think the way I do. I feel as though what goes unsaid on the daily, due to fear of judgment, could actually be beneficial, if people just listened. Last semester, I was in a writing class full of people who did not have the same world view as I did. However, my professor had us write a ton of research papers on a controversy of our choice. From writing these papers and hearing the expected response from my classmates, I realized that what I have to say is crazy important! My classmates did not agree with my topic and I found that hysterical because my topic was something that could not be proven wrong. What I'm trying to say is that I'm tired of letting the fact that I see the world in a beautiful yet logical light stop me from helping others to see it that way too. 

Seque, since my blog is called "My Cup of Tea," (I refuse to apologize for the unoriginality. That name is adorable) I am sure that I will post oodles of things that I like here! And posts about exciting events. I'll just post what I want, when I want, soooooo yeah! 

To start off with, here is my cup of tea! Literally (: this is the tea that I'm drinking now and my current favorite black tea. I drink my tea with honey, always (: I'm extremely fond of raw honey. Other honeys taste like plastic to me. I really like honey to sweeten my tea because the taste is so soothing and relaxing, the sense that I want to feel whilst drinking tea. I also put soy milk in my tea usually, but my mini fridge froze my milk, and then when it thawed, it was all curdley and not the same :( do not freeze soy milk. So, I threw it out. But yeah, I love this tea and honey is delicious. 

Tea is definitely my cup of tea! I can't drink coffee :( I've really really tried! But it gives me this awful anxiety and it actually just makes me want to lie down and not move, the opposite effect coffee is supposed to have. I do love how coffee is such an "American" thing, so I wish I could drink it. I love chai lattes though, and those look like coffee but taste like Christmas! 

Anyway, thank you for reading, if you got this far down! And if you did, I love you! (: it means more than you know to me that you cared enough to read this stupid post. 

Oh! And happy birthday to my sister, Devyn! She turned 22 today. So old hahaha 

I must sleep now. Bonne nuit et faîtes des bonnes rêves! ❤️


  1. I love your taste in tea. "Joy" is a good choice ;)

