
Right now on YouTube, there's this #DearMe thing trending. I would make a video, but I don't know if I'm strong enough to do that. It's incredible that these people can make videos, and it means that they are at least making progress getting past those things. I don't know if I'm able to say these things out loud. I don't think I'm quite over the hump yet. I'm still so young and still finding myself. But, at this moment in time, I think I could give some valuable advice to my past self.

Dear Me,

High school sucks. I know. But, it is so temporary and you're going to come out of with this so much knowledge about yourself that will keep you moving forward. Stop trying to be someone you're not because you think other people will like you. You don't need to impress anyone. Be someone you like, not someone you think other people will like. God made you perfect and so special. Because you are you, you will help so many people. You will change lives. You will make a difference. You will be an inspiration. You will be trusted. You will be loved. You will find love. You will be happy. You won't find that if you continue to try to be someone you're not. Also, high school boys are lame, and there is no reason to pursue them, or try to get their attention because you are so much  more mature and better than they are. The right person is coming. You don't need to be in abusive relationships. You don't need anyone who doesn't have your best interests at heart. You don't need to be their friend. You feel so lonely and desperate right now, but it is better to sit alone at lunch, than to sit with people who don't love you. It does not matter. You don't need to be friends with everyone because true friends are coming so soon. 

You are the greatest person I know, and you are the greatest person some people will know. Love God with all your heart and trust Him because it turns out He actually wants what's best for you. Be the quiet person. You don't need to be the center of attention. Like anime, be good at history and music, don't fall for anyone who you can't see as your husband, and be weird. You are leaving high school far away from you, and once it's over, it won't matter any more.

I know it's cliche, but it gets so much better. You're happy, healthy, and loved. You're doing what you love in a place you love. 

You can do it. You do do it. You get through it. You grow, you learn. And guess what, 

you turn out awesome. 

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