Last Saturday, I went to LACMA for the first time. This place is one of Graces favorites in Southern California, so that means that obviously I would like it too! Unfortunately, I went into this Saturday in a bad mood. A friend who was supposed to go with us bailed last minute, I had a headache and was extremely irritable, and I just wasn't having a good morning. That didn't stop me from seeing some awesome artwork!

This one is by Pabla Picasso. It seriously stood out to me because it doesn't look like Picasso. It's so dark, almost Sweeny Todd-esque. I really like portrait paintings, so I really loved this one. 

This is a portrait by George Hozs I believe. I might be wrong. I only remember that name because he kept showing up everywhere and I really liked all of his work. 

I'm not sure who this one is by. I don't usually like landscape paintings, but I guess they're pretty awesome when they are of cities. 

It was fun seeing the evolution of art at LACMA. Sometimes I see art that I just don't understand, but you know I'm sure that's wheat they thought if Monet or Magritte during their time. 

We also had some yummy food, so of course I took pictures of those (: panera for lunch and this French cafe called Monsieur Crepe for dinner. 

I ended up spending a lot of money that day, but it was nice to see the art and hang out with my friends. Friends and art, both very important to me. Maybe one day, when I'm rich, I'll be an art collector. Or maybe not; that seems ridiculously expensive, and I don't want my taste in art to change just because of the price. 

Anyway, j'ai passé un bon weekend, alors ouais... A bientôt mes chères! 

1 comment :

  1. hi i'm stalking your blog and remembering when we were together. much love, gracie.
